7 Best Guard Dog Breeds For Small Business Owners

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If your small business needs more security or has faced threats before, getting a guard dog could be a great solution. Guard dogs are excellent at keeping intruders away just by being there.

They’re trained to be very alert and react faster than humans, often scaring off trespassers or giving you enough time to react and call for help.

Security dogs come ready to handle different situations, from detecting movement to identifying suspicious behavior, making them perfect for any type of business—whether it’s in a home, a store, or a construction site. They can work inside or outside, protecting the areas that need it the most.

For extra peace of mind and to ensure your business’s safety, let’s explore 7 top guard dog breeds that are great for small businesses.

Guard Dog Breeds for Small Business Owners

1. Boxer

Guard Dog Breeds for Small Business Owners

Boxers come from the same family as English Bulldogs and were originally bred with strong jaws to help hunters by holding onto large animals. Originating from Germany, they were first used for herding cattle but later became excellent police, military, and guard dogs because of their protective nature.

Boxers are very alert and smart and make great guard dogs. They often bark to let you know when someone is coming. They are particularly good at protecting their owners if they sense danger, making them a good choice for small business owners who need extra security.

These dogs are friendly and loving with their owners but might be a bit cautious around new people. Boxers are full of energy and need consistent training along with lots of play and exercise to stay happy and well-behaved.

Orvis recommends that they engage in a lot of activity, like long walks and play sessions, to use up their energy and avoid getting bored and possibly mischievous.

2. Cane Corso

Dog Breeds for Small Business Owners

The Cane Corso, an Italian breed, gets its name from Latin, meaning roughly “bodyguard dog” or “robust dog.” Historically, they served as versatile farm dogs, guarding property, herding livestock, and hunting.

Known for their protective nature and intimidating looks, Cane Corsos have large heads and muscular bodies, making them excellent deterrents for small business owners. They tend to be dominant and extremely loyal to their owners, though they may not warm up quickly to strangers or other dogs.

AKC points out that Cane Corsos are very in tune with their owners’ emotions, often sensing and reacting to how their humans feel. This sensitivity leads to a deep and nuanced relationship with their owners.

These dogs love to be busy. They thrive on both mental and physical challenges and do well when they have a task to perform, whether that’s on a farm, at home, or in dog sports like tracking and agility.

3. Belgian Malinois

Guard Dog Breeds

Belgian Malinois dogs were first trained to herd animals. But in the last 100 years, they have learned to do many more jobs. Now, they are very popular with police departments in many places because they are great at catching bad guys.

Thanks to their herding background, they are strong and smart, which helps them to hold onto a person who might be dangerous.

Belgian Malinois are also very smart and listen well to commands. They naturally want to protect their area and the people in it. This makes them very good at keeping watch and making sure a place is safe, like a small business.

When puppies are young, they need to meet many different people and learn many things. They also need to be trained firmly, but you should be kind. Since they want to protect people by nature, it’s important to teach them and help them get used to different situations and people right from when they are puppies.

4. Doberman Pinscher

Guard Dog

Doberman Pinschers are known for being very alert, not afraid of anything, and very loyal to their owners. People who have them really agree with this! They look strong and tough on the outside, but inside, they are really kind and have a big heart.

These large dogs love their owners a lot and are very gentle with them. Dobermans were originally bred to protect and guard, which means they are very cautious around strangers. This is good because you won’t have to worry about unknown people coming onto your property.

They can act tough or even defend by attacking if necessary. This makes them great for keeping a small business safe because just knowing a Doberman is around can keep unwanted visitors away.

Because of their size, Dobermans need someone who knows how to take care of them properly.

Doberman Pinschers are strong and full of energy. They need to exercise a lot. Without enough activity, they can get upset or even act out. They can live happily in an apartment as long as they get daily exercise. It’s very important to help them get used to different people and places and teach them how to behave when they are still young.

5. German Shepherd

Guard Dog Breeds for  protection

German Shepherds come from a long line of herding and guarding dogs, which is why they naturally look out for their family and home. They are always alert and keeping an eye out, but with some structured training, they can become even better at protecting. Since they are strong dogs, it’s important to train them well to use their abilities for guarding.

Their senses are incredibly sharp, much more so than those of many other dogs. They can hear very quiet sounds and see very clearly. This is why they are often chosen for very important jobs in police work, the military, and security worldwide.

They have always been trained to guard and protect, so they are good at sensing when something unfamiliar or threatening is happening. This makes them great for keeping a small business safe. Having a German Shepherd as a pet isn’t too difficult if you’re willing to put in the effort.

When given the proper care, they can become great members of the family. This includes regular training to learn good manners, meeting lots of people and other animals to become well-socialized, plenty of exercise to burn off energy, and activities that make them think and keep their minds busy.

6. Rottweiler

personal protection dog

Rottweilers are the perfect example of guard dogs. Back in the day, they didn’t just look after cattle; they even protected the cattlemen’s money. The money would be put in a bag and tied around the Rottweiler’s neck, making it a no-go zone for any thief.

They’re strong, fearless, and look pretty intimidating, which helps them in guarding. They are also smart enough to know what’s dangerous and what’s not, and they’ll act to protect. This means they’re great for keeping your small business safe.

Rottweilers are very smart and can be trained well, which is why they’re often chosen for police and military work. They’re also wonderful pets for families because they’re loyal and look out for their people. But they do need to stay active and have things to do, or they might get bored.

Some people think of Rottweilers as scary dogs because they’re so good at protecting. Some places have even made rules against having them, and some insurance companies might not cover homes with Rottweilers. But actually, Rottweilers were meant to be guard dogs, so while they can be very protective, they can also be super gentle and loving if they’re trained and made friends with from a young age. The way they are trained really matters!

7. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

protection dog

Staffordshire Bull Terriers, or Staffies for short, are known for their loyalty, strength, and determination. They’re often thought of as good guard dogs because they look intimidating and have a natural instinct to protect. Staffies are very alert and will let their family know if anyone or anything comes near their home, which makes them great for watching over a small business. They are good at keeping an eye out and might scare off people who shouldn’t be there.

According to Petplan, Staffies are keen to please their owners and are fairly easy to train. However, they do have a stubborn side, so it’s important to be patient and consistent with them.

It’s key to start training them when they’re puppies to get the basics down. Despite their eagerness to learn, their impulsive and stubborn nature can make training challenging but definitely achievable with the right approach.

When it comes to caring for their coats, Staffies are pretty easy to look after. Their short coat doesn’t shed much, so a quick brush once a week is enough to keep them neat and tidy.


When it comes to protecting a small business, the best guard dogs combine traits like loyalty, intelligence, and strength. The Australian Shepherd, known for its agility and intelligence, excels in this role, often acting as a flock guardian. Among the largest dogs, breeds like the German Shepherd stand out not just for their size but also for their protective instincts, making them excellent guard dogs.

Each breed brings something unique to the table, but the key is finding a dog that suits the specific needs of the business environment. Whether it’s the Australian Shepherd with its herding skills or the imposing presence of larger breeds, the best dog for the job is one that is well-trained and matches the owner’s capacity to manage and care for them.

Remember, the breed name often hints at the dog’s historical role and capabilities, which can guide you in making the best choice for your small business protection needs.

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