7 Breeds Of Adorable Dog Least Likely To Bite

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Recent data from the California Department of Healthcare Access and Information highlights a rise in hospital visits due to dog bites. Regrettably, the risks associated with dog bites still persist in today’s society.

The recent incidents involving President Biden’s dog, Commander, who has bitten a number of Secret Service personnel at least 24 times, serve as a stark reminder of these ongoing dangers.

This might worry first-time dog owners, especially those with eager kids at home. However, it’s important to understand that dogs’ personalities vary widely by breed, affecting their likelihood to bite.

Dogs may bite if they’re scared, startled, feel threatened, or are protecting something they value, like their puppies, food, or a toy. While any dog can bite under certain circumstances, most dogs are not aggressive without serious provocation. Thankfully, some breeds are naturally less prone to aggression, making them safer choices for families.

Here are 7 dog breeds known for their gentle nature, making them unlikely to bite and ideal for a family pet.

Note: While it’s true that any dog might bite under certain circumstances, this list focuses on breeds known for being least likely to do so. Nonetheless, teaching both children and owners to approach and interact with all dogs gently is crucial for safety and harmony.

Breeds of Adorable Dog Least Likely to Bite

Discover breeds known for their gentle nature, making them the perfect choice for families seeking dogs with a lower tendency to bite.

1. Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers are known for their friendly and loving personalities, making them incredibly unlikely to bite. This is one of the many reasons why they’re the most popular dog breed worldwide.

Labs are gentle, affectionate, and not known for aggression, making them an ideal family pet. They’re great with children and other animals and always eager to make new friends. With their high energy and love for activity, Labs thrive on attention and exercise.

The loving Labrador Retriever dog’s laid-back nature and quick learning ability make them extremely trainable, allowing them to excel in various roles such as search and rescue, therapy, hunting, and agility. There’s virtually nothing a Lab can’t do.

2. Golden Retrievers

best dogs for kids

Golden Retrievers are known for their low risk of biting. This breed’s long history of being bred for tolerance and patience means they are not naturally aggressive towards humans or animals. Labradors are known for being gentle and affectionate, making them perfect family pets.

They’re sociable, get along with everyone, and love making new friends. Golden Retrievers are also an excellent choice, especially for first-time dog owners. They’re loyal, friendly, and easy to train, thanks to their intelligence and eagerness to please.

Golden Retriever dogs are as easy to care for as any breed and even easier for some, thanks to their cheerful nature. Golden Retrievers are excellent companions for bike rides and long walks. They have moderate energy and rarely dig, but they do need plenty of attention.

3. Whippets

top 10 best family dogs

Whippets are known for being calm and one of the least aggressive breeds, often too relaxed to even consider biting. They enjoy a good run once a day but are happiest lounging around. Whippets love being close to their owners, preferring to snuggle up when sleeping.

Their friendly and loving nature means they’re not cut out for guard duty, with their tail wags posing more of a risk than their bite. They adapt well to both spacious yards and small apartments as long as they get their daily exercise.

A bonus for city living is that Whippets are generally quiet. Despite their graceful appearance, Whippets are sturdy and easy to care for.

4. Pugs

best dog for kids

Pugs are friendly, playful, and very unlikely to bite. They’re gentle, smart, and love being around people, making them great companions. Despite their loveable nature, they don’t like being alone and have health challenges because of their flat faces.

Pugs get along with other pets and are usually very friendly. They’re calm, quiet, and perfect for apartment living, although they do need careful attention due to their health needs.

Pugs were originally bred to be lapdogs for Chinese emperors, which is why they don’t need as much exercise as other dog breeds.

5. Beagles

safest dog breeds

Beagles may not always be the most obedient, but they’re not known to be biters. Aggression is rare in Beagles; they’re more likely to playfully nip onto toys because they enjoy mouthing objects.

Training can be challenging due to their mischievous nature and love for adventures, including attempts to escape. They adore the outdoors and need plenty of exercise, so they’re best suited for active owners.

Despite their training challenges, Beagles are often recommended for first-time dog owners because of their small size and even-tempered nature. They’re adaptable and can thrive in various settings. Beagles are known for being vocal, with a tendency to bark, howl, and bay, which is a deep, prolonged howl characteristic of hounds.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

nicest dog breeds

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are considered one of the safest breeds, rarely biting and known for their gentle nature. Their main goal is to please their owners, and they’re not typically aggressive. If a Cavalier does show aggression, it’s likely due to pain or a health issue.

They enjoy being your shadow, always by your side whether you’re moving around the house, sleeping, sitting on the couch, or even going into the bathroom. They cherish every moment spent with you.

They’re great family pets or companions, loving to cuddle and perfect as lap dogs. However, they do have high-maintenance coats that require daily brushing to prevent matting, especially during shedding seasons in autumn and spring.

7. Newfoundlands

Safe Dogs

Newfoundlands are known as ‘nanny dogs‘ because of their gentle nature, especially with kids. Despite their large size, they’re more likely to give affectionate licks than to bite. They are easier to train compared to other giant breeds and are friendly with people of all ages.

Newfoundland dogs are known for their friendly and open personalities. While they’ll alert you to strangers by barking, they quickly warm up to new people once they see you accept them.

However, their size and strength might be challenging for children and the elderly to handle. With moderate energy levels, they thrive on activities that keep both their minds and bodies active.


Adorable dogs least likely to bite often come from a pedigree dog breed that assures a gentle temperament. The enormous Newfoundland breed exemplifies this, known for its protective yet gentle nature.

Similarly, the French Bulldog, generally known for its loving and friendly demeanor, making both excellent choices for families seeking a loyal and safe companion.

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