Annual Report from the Judicial College (2022-2023) – North Carolina Criminal Law

The North Carolina Judicial College was founded in 2005 to expand the education and training the School of Government has provided for judicial branch officials since the 1930s. Through the Judicial College, the School now offers more courses of interest to mid-and later-career officials and provides that training in small group, interactive educational settings.

We highlight some of those courses, the judicial officials who have participated in them, and our award-winning faculty in our latest annual report. We thought you might like to check it out.

We are privileged to serve such a talented and dedicated group of judicial officials and advocates. And we are grateful for our longstanding partnership with the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts, which makes it possible for judicial branch officials to attend Judicial College programs.

As we prepare to enter a new calendar year, we look forward to continuing work to arm judicial officials, advocates, and others with the skills, knowledge, and resources essential to the work of a highly functioning state court system.

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