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Choosing the right dog breed for your home also involves considering their suitability as a guard dog. Enter the Bernese Mountain dog, which is renowned for its gentle demeanor and striking appearance.

Tall, powerful, and bred for work, Bernese Mountain dogs exude friendliness, lovability, and undeniable charm. But amidst their size and personality, do they possess protective instincts? Absolutely yes! Bernese Mountain dogs are inherently protective by nature.

All dogs have an innate drive to safeguard their owners, especially when a strong bond is formed. But what sets Bernese Mountain dogs apart? What fuels their protective instincts? And how do they fare with families?

Join us as we unravel these questions and more!

Are Bernese Mountain Dogs Protective?

Bernese Mountain dogs, also known as Swiss Mountain dogs or Berners, are formidable in both size and presence, reaching heights of up to 27.5 inches and weights exceeding 115 pounds. Despite their imposing physique, they possess a calm and friendly nature.

Recognized for their protective instincts, Bernese Mountain dogs rank above average in terms of guardianship. With their innate drive to defend coupled with their massive size and strength, they serve as an effective deterrent against potential threats.

In times of peril, Berners display unparalleled courage, readily placing themselves in harm’s way to shield their loved ones. Their sociable yet energetic temperament, combined with a natural inclination to safeguard their territory and possessions, solidifies their role as dedicated protectors.

When danger looms, Bernese Mountain dogs exhibit no hesitation in risking their own safety for the well-being of their owners.

Why Are Bernese Mountain Dogs Protective?

are bernese mountain dogs good guard dogs

Bernese Mountain dogs exhibit a protective nature rooted in their rich history and purposeful breeding. Originating in the Swiss Alps as farm and drover dogs, they are descendants of Mastiff-type canines brought to Switzerland from Rome around 2,000 years ago. As one of the four Swiss Mountain dog breeds, Berners stand out with their distinctive long coat.

Tasked with various farm duties like pulling carts, driving cattle, and safeguarding farmland, Bernese Mountain dogs earned their reputation for size, strength, and versatility. They were invaluable substitutes for horses, particularly for farmers with limited resources.

As agriculture evolved, so did the role of Berners, transitioning from farm assistants to cherished family members. They became trusted guardians, watching over children and serving as faithful companions.

Even today, Bernese Mountain dogs continue to play essential roles on farms worldwide, pulling heavy loads and herding cattle. Their protective instincts remain highly valued, offering steadfast defense against predators for farmland, livestock, and the farmers’ families.

How’s the Temperament of the Bernese Mountain Dog?

bernese mountain dog protective

The Bernese Mountain dog boasts a friendly and affectionate temperament, thriving on constant companionship. Playful, energetic, and good-natured, they exhibit calmness and quiet nature when adequately exercised. With an innate eagerness to please, Berners are happy-go-lucky dogs who enjoy socializing and dislike being left alone.

As working dogs, they are inclined to find tasks to occupy themselves, with their favorite being watching over the family. Goofy and prone to repeating behaviors that elicit laughter, they may exhibit clumsiness during puppyhood despite their agility.

Intelligent and easy to train, Bernese Mountain dogs eagerly participate in activities and seek ample time with people. They demonstrate loyalty and affection, lacking malice, shyness, or aggression in their demeanor.

Are Bernese Dogs Effective Guard Dogs?

are bernese mountain dogs aggressive

Bernese Mountain dogs, while not inherently aggressive, possess natural guarding instincts rooted in their history as farm dogs. Here’s why they can make effective guard dogs:

1. Protective Instincts: Naturally protective, they prioritize their owners’ safety, often risking their own lives to ward off harm.

2. Trainability: With their innate intelligence, they are trainable, especially when taught guard dog duties from a young age, ensuring they can detect and respond to threats effectively.

3. Alertness: Berners are naturally alert, utilizing their keen senses of hearing and smell to detect potential dangers or unfamiliar stimuli.

4. Loyalty: Known for their unwavering loyalty, they form strong bonds with their families and exhibit protective behaviors when sensing danger.

5. Deterrent Presence: Their impressive size and imposing appearance act as a natural deterrent to potential intruders, making them think twice before approaching your property.

6. Vocalization: While not aggressive barkers, they will vocalize to alert you of any unusual activity, using their deep, booming bark to grab your attention.

Do They Make Good Family Dogs?

are bernese mountain good family dog

Bernese Mountain dogs are fantastic companions for kids! Their gentle and loving nature makes them ideal for households with children. They often take it upon themselves to watch over kids, although they may walk away if play gets too rough, just like with misbehaving puppies.

Given their large size and occasional clumsiness, it’s essential to supervise playtime to prevent accidental knocking over of small children. It’s crucial to remember that children should never climb or ride on any dog, including Bernese Mountain dogs, to avoid injury or potential aggression.

In most households, Berners get along well with other dogs and are often compatible with cats. They’re truly exceptional family dogs, devoted to protecting their loved ones while embodying traits of gentleness, affection, and a strong desire to spend time with their family.

Is Training Necessary?

are bernese mountain good family dog

Training and socialization are crucial for Bernese Mountain dogs from a young age to capitalize on their inherently calm and friendly temperament. Given their size, proper house training is imperative to prevent any household damage.

Training your Bernese Mountain dog to become a reliable guardian for your family is entirely achievable despite them not being the top guarding breeds. Here’s how:

1. Early Socialization: Start socializing your Berner early to help them overcome any nervousness or fear of new environments. Interaction with other dogs and people is crucial for them to distinguish between friends and potential threats as they mature.

2. Basic Obedience: Train your dog in basic obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” In an emergency, your Bernese Mountain dog will be more likely to obey your instructions if they have undergone this training.

3. Territory Protection: Designate a specific area within your yard for your Berner to guard. Teach them that it’s their responsibility to protect both the territory and your family. Reward them with treats for staying in the designated area.

4. Advanced Defense Training: Once your Bernese Mountain dog is ready, introduce them to new people under controlled circumstances. Have someone unfamiliar approach their territory while wearing protective gear. Guide your dog to bark or growl at the intruder, who should then retreat, simulating a potential threat.

For those considering training their Bernese Mountain dog as a guard dog, professional services are highly recommended. Basic training is essential to fully develop their protective tendencies.


Bernese Mountain dogs stand out among dog breeds for their gentle nature and innate protective instincts. Originating as farm dogs, they’ve earned their place as excellent family pets and good guard dogs.

Bernese Mountain dogs’ good nature exemplifies the best of both worlds as guard dog breeds, blending protective instincts with a gentle demeanor. Renowned for their loyalty and reliability, Bernese Mountain dogs are undeniably good at their role as family protectors. With their affectionate nature and unwavering devotion, they prove themselves time and again as excellent family dogs.

As Swiss Mountain dog breeds, Bernese Mountain dogs possess a unique blend of loyalty and reliability, making them exceptional guardians for both their families and other animals. With proper training, the Bernese Mountain dog makes a formidable addition to any household, embodying the ideal balance of a gentle family pet and a steadfast protector.

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