Top 7 Dogs That Protect Against Lions With Valor & Courage is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn More

For a very long time, people have used dogs to keep their farm animals safe from big wild animals like wolves and bears, especially in Europe. These aren’t your average family pets; they’re specially trained guard dogs with a big job: protecting livestock from predators, even big ones like lions.

Since the early 1970s, they’ve been doing this important work in the U.S., in lots of states, and they’re really good at it. In fact, these brave dogs can reduce animal losses by up to 93%!

Guard dogs are taught to become part of the livestock family to protect them against harm. Most of the time, these dogs don’t have to fight off predators. Instead, they use their big size and deep, loud barks to scare any threats away.

While they’re amazing at their job, these dogs are meant for wide-open spaces and might not be the best choice for everyone. Now, let’s dive into which dog breeds are bold and brave enough to stand up to lions.

Bold Dogs That Protect Against Lions

So, without further ado, here it goes!

1. Rhodesian Ridgeback

dogs that fight lions

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a big, strong dog from southern Africa, famous for its lion-hunting skills. Some people even call it the African Lion Hound because it’s so good at tracking down and cornering lions.

This dog stands out with a unique stripe of hair on its back that grows the opposite way of its fur. It’s super smart, brave, and loyal, making it a great buddy for keeping you safe from lions.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks make fantastic family pets these days. While they were once known for hunting, now they’re more likely to be found lounging with their families at home. Plus, they’re great at keeping watch. With a big bark and their strong, athletic build, they can easily scare off anyone who might pose a threat to their loved ones.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback might not be for everyone since it can be a bit stubborn and likes to be in charge, but with enough exercise and fun challenges, it’s a happy and healthy companion.

2. Rottweiler

dog bred to fight lions

The Rottweiler, or “Rottie,” is a big, strong dog that’s really good at protecting animals. Its shiny black fur with brown spots makes it look even stronger. In the past, the Romans used Rottweilers not just for herding but in battles too! Their bold and fearless attitude helped scare off enemies, which is why some people think they’re aggressive.

But really, Rottweilers are known for being strong protectors. They’re super loyal to their families, which means they might act tough if they think their family is in danger. They’re so brave that they could stand up to a lion if they needed to!

Rotties are smart, confident, and full of energy. Rottweilers are often suggested as great dogs for families with kids. They’re usually gentle and patient, which makes them good around children. Plus, taking care of a Rottweiler is pretty simple. Their short fur doesn’t need a lot of work to keep it looking nice.

3. Kangal

dogs that hunt lions

The Kangal is Turkey’s pride, a big, strong dog with a cool black mask and a tan coat, coming from the Sivas-Kangal area. These dogs are famous for standing up to big cats like lions! They’ve been raised for a long time to protect their families and chase away big wild animals.

People in the United States started noticing Kangals in the 1980s. They’re big and strong, with floppy ears and a short nose, kind of like the early mastiff dogs. Kangals are super quick, running as fast as 35 miles per hour when they need to rush to the rescue. They’re amazing because they’re both super friendly to their families and incredibly brave when guarding animals.

Kangal dogs might not be the best choice for first-time owners. They’re smart and like to do things their own way, so they need an owner who knows how to train them well. Building a good, trusting relationship is key with these independent pups.

4. Boerboel

dog that fights lions

Back in the day, dogs that could hunt lions had to be super strong, quick, and brave. That’s why Boerboels are such a good pick; they’re tough and courageous.

Boerboels have long been the guardians of farms in South Africa, keeping homes and animals safe from dangers, lions included. They’re big, muscular dogs with a lot of confidence, and they’re not afraid to stand up to any threat.

These dogs see their families as their pack and love to be inside the house with them, staying close to their human family members all the time.

Boerboels are smart and usually pretty easy to teach, but they can have their stubborn moments. Starting training and getting them used to different people and situations early on is a good idea.

5. Caucasian Shepherd

lion fighting dog

Caucasian Shepherd dogs are huge and very protective. They’ve been around for centuries, guarding sheep from wolves, jackals, and even bears. These dogs come from the Caucasus Mountains and have always been working dogs, guarding and protecting.

Even though they’re big, they’re also quick on their feet. They love running around in big spaces, so a large yard is perfect for them. With super thick fur, these dogs have a very strong bite force, between 550 to 700 PSI, so you definitely want them on your side. They’re always on the lookout and can be a bit wary of new people.

But don’t let their tough exterior fool you; they’re really sweet and caring with their families. They can stand up to any threat, even a lion, if they need to protect their loved ones.

If you’re thinking of getting a Caucasian Shepherd, get ready to spend some time on training. They like doing things their own way, so they’re not the easiest for first-timers in dog-owning. 

6. Tosa Inu

dogs that attack lions

The Tosa Inu is a special kind of dog from Japan. It is not very common, but it is really interesting. It was first bred for dog fighting, but now it’s known for being a great guard dog. This is because it’s patient, brave, and bold.

If you’re thinking about getting a Tosa Inu, you should know they really care about their space and family. They’re super loyal and will jump in to protect their loved ones if they feel any danger.

The Tosa Inu is loving with its family but might not be too friendly with people it doesn’t know. It’s also pretty serious about other dogs, especially those it sees as trespassers. Some places even have rules banning Tosa Inu because of how strong and protective they are.

Their fur is short and easy to take care of. While they don’t need a lot of exercise, a daily walk and some playtime outside will make them happy. They like activities like hiking and playing fetch.

7. Dogo Argentino

dogo argentino vs mountain lion

Dogo Argentinos are big and strong dogs from Argentina, made for hunting big animals like pumas and boars. They’re full of energy and really powerful, which is why some places have rules about owning them. They’ve got the muscle to stand up to really tough animals, and some say they can even take on a lion!

These dogs are super brave and protective, especially around their families. They’re loyal and loving, making them great companions for those who want to feel extra safe at home.

Handling a Dogo Argentino can be a bit of a challenge because they’re always on the move and very protective. But taking care of them isn’t too hard. They do need a bath after a big adventure or playing in the mud, but their bright white coat means you’ll want to keep them clean anyway.


In the vast world of canine companions, the dog breed that stands out for its bravery in hunting lions, with a formidable bite force, is a testament to the courage and resilience of these animals. Among them, the South African breed showcases an exceptional blend of strength and loyalty, setting a benchmark for domestic dogs everywhere.

As guardian dogs, breeds like the Cane Corso and Pit Bull embody the spirit of protectors, merging the fearless heart of European dogs with the unwavering determination to safeguard their families.

Pit bulls, with their tenacity, alongside other breeds, prove that even in the face of wild predators, the bond between humans and their canine friends is unbreakable. Let these magnificent animals inspire us with their bravery, teaching us the value of courage, loyalty, and the power of protection.

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