Are Pitbulls Smart Dogs? Understanding Their Intelligence is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn More

People often chat about how smart different dog breeds are, and Pit Bulls are one hot topic! Some folks think they’re top of the class, while others aren’t so sure. It’s a big debate among dog lovers!

Why does it matter if a dog is smart? Well, smarter dogs can be easier to train, can learn fun tricks, and are good at figuring things out. That’s why dog owners like to know what to expect when it comes to teaching their pets.

So, are Pit Bulls brainy? Lots of us are asking that question. If you’re wondering, we’ve got some fun facts to share about these friendly dogs. Let’s dive into how Pit Bulls learn and see how they stack up next to other breeds. Ready to find out? Let’s go!

Are Pitbulls Smart Dogs?

Are Pitbulls smart? You bet they are! When people say “Pit bull,” they’re talking about a few different but related doggies. This includes the American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, and American Pit Bull Terrier.

Some folks used to think these dogs were ‘dumb‘ and just acted tough. But that’s not true. Pitbulls are actually smarter than a lot of other dogs. They’ve shown us that they’re clever and can understand humans pretty well.

Pitbulls have been around a long time, and sure, they started out as fighting dogs. But that’s not who they are today.

Research has shown that Pit Bulls excel in tests measuring cognitive abilities, showcasing their knack for solving problems and their ability to learn new things efficiently.

Sure, sometimes Pitbulls like to do things their own way, and that’s because they’re smart, not stubborn. Plus, they’re great with families. They really like hanging out with kids and getting along with other pets at home. So, if you’re looking for a smart, loving pet, a Pitbull might just be your perfect match!

Stanley Coren’s Tests

Did you know there’s a book that talks about which dogs are the smartest? It’s called “The Intelligence of Dogs,” and it was written by a guy named Stanley Coren back in 1994. In Coren’s book, he talks about a test that scores how well different dog breeds follow orders.

Even though not all types of pit bulls were in this big test, the two of them did get ranked. In rankings, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier came in at 94th, and the American Staffordshire was 48th out of 138 breeds. Pitbulls aren’t at the very top, but that’s just one part of what makes them smart.

how smart are pitbulls

Stanley Coren says dogs show three types of intelligence: working intelligence, instinctive intelligence, and adaptive intelligence.

Working: Pitbulls are quick to pick up what you teach them because they want to make their owners happy.

Instinctive: Pitbulls also have special talents from their past, like being protective, which makes them great for watching over the home. They’re not mean; they’re actually big softies with their families, especially when they’re brought up well.

Adaptive: These pups are also pretty clever at figuring things out on their own. If there’s a problem, a Pitbull is likely to keep trying until it solves it. They’re like little detectives!

Do Pitbulls Have Emotional Intelligence

are pitbulls dumb

Talking about how smart dogs are, it’s super important to think about emotional intelligence too. Pit Bulls are amazing at this! They’ve got a rep for being super close with their humans. That’s why they’re known as “nanny dogs” since they’re so caring and protective, especially around kids.

Studies have indicated that Pitbulls possess a keen ability to recognize their owners’ facial expressions, discerning emotions such as happiness or sadness. This sensitivity allows them to perceive when their humans are undergoing stress, worry, or sorrow, essentially ‘tuning in’ to our emotional states through eye contact.

Furthermore, Pitbulls often tilt their heads in a manner that suggests curiosity or attentiveness, a behavior many find endearing. This action is more than just a cute gesture; it signifies the emotional intelligence of Pitbulls as they attempt to comprehend and connect with the words being spoken to them.

There’s also this cool thing where lots of therapists and groups use Pit Bulls as therapy dogs. That’s because these dogs are just so good at picking up on how people feel and helping them feel better. It really shows how special Pit Bulls are, not just in how quickly they can learn tricks but in how deeply they connect with us on an emotional level.

Do Pitbulls Show Empathy?

are pitbulls intelligent

Pit Bulls are wonderfully empathetic and adaptable, but they’re also known for their strong-willed nature and independence. An intriguing study by Dr. Brian Hare has suggested that dogs, including Pit Bulls, can show an emotional connection with their owners through behaviors like yawning.

Yawning in Pit Bulls, and dogs in general, can signify various states — from tiredness to stress or even indifference. However, the ’empathy yawn’ or ‘contagious yawn’ is particularly fascinating.

This type of yawn, triggered by seeing their owner yawn, points to an emotional synchrony between the dog and human, showcasing a level of empathy unique to the canine-human relationship.

Assessing Your Pit Bull’s Smartness at Home

Seeing if your Pit Bull is a smarty-pants means watching how it figures things out, how well it adjusts to new things, and how it responds to learning tricks. Try giving them different fun activities, like puzzle toys, learning new commands, and playing games together. Watch how quickly they understand what you’re asking them to do and how they deal with new challenges.

You can also see how smart they are in social situations by noticing how they act around other pets and people. Some Pit Bulls might learn tricks super fast, while others are really good at making friends and being sweet. Every Pit Bull is special in their own way, and being smart can mean all sorts of things!

Which Pitbull Breed is the Most Intelligent Breed?

are pitbulls smart or dumb

It’s challenging to pinpoint which Pitbull breed is the most intelligent, as intelligence can vary widely even within a breed based on individual dogs. However, the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, both often referred to as Pitbulls, are recognized for their intelligence, trainability, and eagerness to please their owners.

These traits can contribute to a perception of higher intelligence. Each Pitbull breed has its unique strengths and capabilities, making them all remarkable in their own ways.


Pitbulls used to have a tough reputation, and people didn’t talk much about how smart they are. Pitbulls are indeed intelligent dogs, a fact recognized by many pit bull owners and supported by understanding dog intelligence.

Originally bred for tasks like bull baiting, their capabilities have evolved, demonstrating that with proper training, they can excel and even outperform other dog breeds in various cognitive tasks. The pit bull brain is adept at problem-solving and emotional recognition, often showing a profound understanding of their owners’ emotions.

Many pit bulls, when compared to other breeds, exhibit remarkable intelligence, highlighting the importance of recognizing and nurturing their cognitive abilities through engagement and training. This insight into their intelligence showcases the depth and versatility of the breed, far beyond their historical roles.

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