Which Is The Perfect One For You?

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The Betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, ranks among the most beloved pets worldwide, renowned for their stunning looks and vibrant personalities. Often found in pet stores, these fish are easily recognizable with their long fins and are typically housed individually in small tanks or jars.

While they may appear subdued in confined spaces, Bettas truly thrive and showcase their lively, colorful nature when given ample room to swim.

This guide will delve into 13 different types of betta fish, highlighting the unique beauty and characteristics of each one.

Types of Betta Fish

The first thing that catches your eye with Bettas is their vivid colors, distinctive patterns, and striking tails. These features vary significantly across different Betta fish types. Understanding the variety of Betta types is not just about appreciating their beauty; it also offers deeper insights into the fish, including aspects of their genetics.

Let’s explore different varieties of these beautiful wonders of aquatic world!

1. Veil Tail (VT)

types of bettas

Veil tails are a popular and common breed among betta fish enthusiasts, named for their shimmering, translucent tails that resemble a veil as they swim. They were the first breed to emerge from the domestication of wild bettas.

These bettas feature a distinct, asymmetrical tail that hangs downward, with long, flowing anal and dorsal fins. The unique aspect of their tails is that they’re not symmetrical – if you were to split the tail horizontally, the top and bottom wouldn’t match. Typically, female veil-tail Bettas are less vibrant and have shorter fins than their male counterparts.

2. Half-moon Betta Fish (HM)

betta types

The Halfmoon Betta gets its name from its large tail that forms a semicircle, resembling a half-moon or a capital ‘D.’ Known for their stunning fins, these Bettas display a spectacular flair where the fins overlap from the dorsal to the pelvic fins under the head, creating a continuous look.

Exclusively bred in captivity, Halfmoon Bettas are a product of selective breeding and aren’t found in the wild. They gained popularity quickly after being first bred in the 1980s and are now a staple in Betta shows worldwide.

3. Rose Tail Betta

types of betta

The rosetail betta, also known as the feather tail, is a striking variation of the half-moon betta, characterized by extremely branched tail rays that resemble the petals of a rose or the texture of a feather. The caudal fin of a rosetail betta extends beyond 180°, creating a distinct, lush appearance.

However, these beautiful, large fins come with a drawback. Rosetail bettas are slower swimmers, finding it challenging to navigate due to their heavy, ornate fins, which can fold back on themselves. They tire easily, so a tank with a gentle water flow is ideal for their care.

4. Plakat Bettas

betta fish types

The Plakat betta, a short-finned breed originally bred for fighting, is known in Thai as the ‘biting fish.’ This breed typically features a stronger body and jaw compared to other types, like the veil tail.

Unlike the half-moon bettas with their 180-degree caudal fins, Plakats have much smaller tails. Their shorter fins and robust bodies reflect their highly aggressive nature, making them more adept fighters.

The Plakat’s small round tail and rounded dorsal fins contribute to their agility. It’s important to remember that Plakats tend to jump out of tanks, so a tightly secured lid is essential.

5. Elephant Ear Bettas

different types of betta fish

The elephant ear betta, also known as the dumbo betta, is named for its large pectoral fins, which, when flared, resemble big ears, especially when the fish faces forward.

This breed can have various sizes and shapes for other fins, but the large pectoral fins can make swimming a challenge.

Elephant ear bettas are relatively difficult to breed and can be hard to find, making them highly sought-after. If you have these bettas, it’s crucial to provide a tank with gentle currents, allowing them to swim comfortably without strain.

6. Crowntail Betta

betta breeds

Crown tail bettas, first bred in 1997 in West Jakarta, Indonesia, have become popular worldwide for their spectacular tails with numerous tiny spikes resembling a crown.

Their fin spikes extend past the webbing, with variations including double, triple, quadruple, or crossed ray extensions. Commonly found in grizzly and bi-color patterns, these bettas add a touch of splendor to any aquarium.

They are strong swimmers and can handle a subdued current. Crown tail bettas have a slightly aggressive streak, influenced by gender and ancestry.

7. Koi Bettas

betta fish breeds

The koi betta, also known as a marble betta, is named for its resemblance to the koi fish, with unique markings that make it a favorite for koi enthusiasts. One fascinating aspect of the koi betta is that its colors and patterns change throughout its life.

Typically, koi bettas display blotched, spotted, or speckled patterns in a combination of black, white, and orange, though yellow, red, and blue varieties are also common.

8. Alien

betta varieties

Alien Bettas are unique hybrids created by crossing different Betta species. While they may not display the vibrant colors typical of regular Betta splendens breeds, they stand out with an impressive metallic sheen.

Their fins are boldly marked, and their scales are distinctively edged in black, giving them a striking appearance.

9. Giant

different betta fish

While some might refer to unusually large regular bettas as giants, the true giant betta is actually a distinct species, separate from the common Siamese fighting fish. These rare fish, native to Indonesia and Malaysia, are technically known as Betta anabantoides.

Due to their size, these large wild bettas require a significantly larger tank compared to the standard B. splendens. However, aside from their need for more space, they are relatively easy to care for, making them a unique addition for seasoned aquarium enthusiasts.

10. Half Moon Plakat Betta

betta colors

Most plakat bettas are known for their shorter fins, but there are exceptions, like the half-moon plakat. This variety offers a balance between the active nature of standard plakats and the ornamental appeal of longer-finned types.

Half-moon plakats typically have smaller anal and dorsal fins compared to other betta breeds, and their caudal fin is shorter yet shaped like a half-moon. While they might not boast the extravagant fins of varieties like the rose tail, they are less susceptible to certain common betta health issues, making them a practical and visually appealing choice for betta enthusiasts.

11. Dragon Scale Betta

betta fish species

Dragon scale bettas, also known as dragons, are a relatively new and fascinating breed in the betta fish world. They are named for their large, dragon-like scales, which are their most distinctive feature.

These bettas are known for their thick, metallic scales that shimmer in a silvery-white hue. The colors of their fins and the skin between their scales can range from black to yellow or red, with many other color variations available.

12. Double Tail Betta

coolest betta fish

The double-tail betta fish stands out as one of the most unique breeds in the betta world, characterized by their two distinct caudal fins. These bettas have a caudal fin that is split right down to the base of the caudal peduncle, giving the appearance of two separate tails.

In addition to their double tails, these bettas typically feature larger dorsal fins and have shorter, thicker bodies compared to other betta types.

13. Mustard Gas

fantail variety betta fish

The mustard gas betta is particularly celebrated for its striking coloration rather than its tail shape. This betta type is named for the mustard yellow hue of its fins, which is its defining characteristic.

These bettas typically have a body color that is dark blue or green, appearing almost black, and can even show hints of purple and turquoise when viewed in good lighting. The vivid contrast between their brightly colored fins and darker bodies makes the mustard gas betta a truly eye-catching addition to any aquarium, often serving as a stunning centerpiece fish.


The world of bettas offers a stunning array of types, each with its unique characteristics and beauty. Understanding these diverse breeds enriches the aquarium experience and highlights this fascinating species’s incredible diversity.

Each betta type brings its own charm and personality to the aquarium, making betta keeping a truly diverse and engaging hobby.

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